What is community rating?
The Rating of Sustainable Development of Communities of Ukraine (hereinafter referred to as the Rating) is an interactive online platform that highlights the progress of Ukrainian communities according to a specified list of sustainable development indicators.
The tool conveniently combines the capabilities of the voluntary quality management and certification system of communities “European Energy Award” with the mandatory requirement for local energy planning stipulated by order of the Ministry of Development of Communities, Territories, and Infrastructure of Ukraine No. 1163 “On Approval of the Methodology for Developing Local Energy Plans.”
The Rating allows communities:
- to form a list of data that communities must collect and accumulate to enable planning the development of local energy and infrastructure networks by the goals of Ukrainian legislation and international initiatives;
- to enter and store the collected data in a convenient form, determine the level of their reliability by the source of origin and store confirmation forms;
- to generate the necessary and formal reports and annexes with specific indicators for the development of the MEP and in the process of preparing applications for financing for IFOs;
- to implement a transparent and practical assessment of the achievements of Ukrainian communities (cities) in the field of sustainable development - between communities and between years;
- to calculate energy efficiency indicators based on entered and verified data using appropriate algorithms;
- to evaluate the results of annual development based on verified data and compare them according to specified criteria/indicators/areas.
The Rating allows the Government:
- to accumulate actual absolute indicators by the order of the Ministry of Infrastructure dated 12/21/2023 No. 1163;
- to use the array of accumulated absolute indicators of the MEP for analysis when adopting new policies and regulatory acts;
- to obtain a source of reliable data on local energy and infrastructure of communities;
- to identify leaders and outsiders in the energy planning process.